Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


The best experience to
learn Italian
Come to Naples and study with us! a
NaCLIPS, this is the place! Grammar, culture, conversation and much more! a Seat of CILS exams Thanks to the partnership with the University for Foreigners of Siena, they issue the Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language. a

Italian school for foreigners in Naples

NaCLIPS is an Italian school for foreigners in Naples and promotes the development and teaching of the Italian language and culture through its educational and cultural activities.

Learning a language means getting in touch with a culture, wearing it and going for a walk. If you like how it fits you, don't leave it anymore!

In base a 349 recensioni
Lothar Spies
Lothar Spies
Zwei Wochen Italienisch Lernen als Anfänger in der Sprachschule Nacplis: Eine wunderbare Erfahrung mit einem Team aus jungen, engagierten und inspirierenden jungen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, die im Kurs sowohl Professionalität als auch Herzlichkeit ausstrahlten. Für mich als pensionierten Lehrer war es spannend zu sehen, wie vielfältig und motivierend die didaktischen Konzepte umgesetzt wurden. Die Administration war ebenfalls sehr unterstützend und immer ansprechbar. Auch zu empfehlen: Das wöchentliche Kulturprogramm. Die Sprachschule ist zentral gelegen und mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut zu erreichen.
MaMe67 Martina
MaMe67 Martina
Una scuola bellissima con insegnanti molto impegnati! Abbiamo imparato molto in una settimana, non solo la lingua ma anche della città e della cultura. Grazie!! Eine tolle kleine Schule, mit sehr engagierten Lehrern und einem sehr guten Angebot. Wir haben viel gelernt, nicht nur sprachlich, auch über die Stadt, das Land und die Kultur. Danke!!
Frank van Bergem
Frank van Bergem
Prima taalschool, goede docenten en prima locatie in het het centrum van Napels.
Peter Parisi
Peter Parisi
I enjoyed and learned a great deal from my lessons with Ludovica at NaCLIPS. Everyone was gracious and helpful. Signing up for lessons was easy and I was able to take lessons daily. We worked out a schedule in advance and when I had to make changes they were very accommodating. Ludovica is a great teacher! She was willing to work with me on anything that I wanted to study. I defaulted to grammar because I had no specific needs, but we also worked through readings about Naples and desserts (a passion of mine!). All of the lessons went by quickly and were helpful. At the end of the class I was surprised to receive a diploma stating the level I had attained: I had not expected this. All in all a great experience!
annmarie wyles
annmarie wyles
I've been attending Naclips for eight months.The teachers and receptionist are fantastic. Highly recommend attending if you want to learn Italian language and culture in a relaxed yet professional and welcoming environment.
Nora Rocca
Nora Rocca
Hice un curso de una semana y estuvo muy bueno. Los profesores son excelentes como docentes y como seres humanos. Aprendí mucho y la pasé genial!
Talke Macfarland
Talke Macfarland
I took a language exam at NaCLIPS - great experience! The entire process was perfectly organized and administered with a gentle human touch. Turned a potentially nerve-racking situation into a pleasant encounter - grazie mille!
Martina Fiorile
Martina Fiorile
Ho svolto 150 ore di tirocinio presso questa scuola e ho trovato un posto cordiale, simpatico e con la voglia da parte degli insegnanti di insegnare la meravigliosa lingua italiana. La direttrice è sempre disponibile così come anche la segreteria e gli insegnanti. Gli studenti imparano e si divertono. È stata un’ottima esperienza 🩷
harde vassu
harde vassu
This is a wonderful school! Especially these afternoon lessons were really hilarious focusing on the topic of everyday life in Italy.
Antonia Maria Casiello
Antonia Maria Casiello

Our Courses

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At School

If you are in Naples and you want to study, the best solution is to come to school!

Exams CILS

Thanks to the partnership with the University for Foreigners of Siena, they issue the Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language.


The German program to study Italian in Italy!

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a Articles

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a Special Discounts

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a Upcoming Courses

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    Italian Language 

    Are you a student? Here you improve your grammar skills. Are you a teacher? Here you will find articles that concern you! The Italian language told in every way, come and read!


    Discover the city and live like a local! Where do the Neapolitans really go? What do they really eat? What do they really do? Your guide tailored on you by your Italian school!

    Italian Culture

    Language and Culture always go together. Cuisine, Art, Music, Traditions: a journey that never ends, always rich and engaging! Do you love Italy? Here she is!

    Click on the logo to listen to the podcast


    "A scuola Na.Clips sono stata una settimana splendida. Ho avuto due professori, Anna e Mario, che mi hanno insegnato tantissime cose nuove. Ogni giorno il tempo è passato molto rapido. Alla mattina le lezioni interessanti, al pomeriggio Napoli - la citta bella! Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti che avete voglia imparare l'italiano. Grazie Na.Clips a Napoli per tutto!"

    Barbara Blaj


    "Ich hatte für eine Woche einen Privatkurs spontan vor Ort gebucht. Die Lehrerin war sehr nett und kompetent, die Klassenräume hell und freundlich (und klimatisiert) und die Organisation perfekt. Die Lage nahe der Via Toledo äusserst zentral. 100%ige Empfehlung!"

    Walter Dippel


    "Ho fatto le lezioni individuali su zoom e sono molto contenta: ho migliorato il mio italiano parlando dei temi che m’interessano. Ho imparato anche una nuova ricetta italiana! Grazie! ? Preko zooma sem imela individualni tečaj, s katerim sem zelo zadovoljna. Svojo italijanščino sem izboljšala skozi pogovore o temah, ki me zares zanimajo. Naučila sem se celo en nov italijanski recept! Hvala! ? "

